Protection Solutions Insurance Agency was founded with the client in mind. With over a decade of experience in the insurance world, we still find that the majority of people have no clue what types of insurance they have, how much coverage they have, who the company is, and even what they are paying each month.
This is a problem.
It seemed to have started more than 20 years ago, when insurance agents were a dime a dozen. They were selling policies for commission only and losing sight of the big picture, and that is the CLIENT NEEDS. As an insurance professional, you are guiding people through a process to arrive at an outcome that best fits the client’s needs, not your own wallets needs. Agents throughout the years have lost sight of that very important part of their job and thus not only do insurance agents have a semi bad reputation, but people are fearful of insurance and don't know where to turn to get an honest answer to their questions. Everyone they ask says something different. If you put your faith in us and look to us to answer your insurance related questions, I can guarantee the answer you get will be honest, you may not like it, but it will be truthful.
Our Story
Protection Solutions was founded by insurance agents for the consumers. We pride ourselves on knowing insurance products inside and out so that we can give consumers honest answers to their questions and provide them with the solution to their need. We are not trying to change the insurance industry reputation, we are simply offering professional help in an industry where lies are more common than the truth. Whether it be for a quote, policy review, or just a general insurance related question, please do not hesitate to turn to Protection Solutions to resolve your issue